
The "site icon" is an optional graphic file that Second Site adds to the page header and is intended to help you brand your site. The Standard Header Script and most of the other Header Scripts detect the presence of the graphic file and add it to the header HTML.

Site Icon Files

If you want your site to include a site icon, add a file named siteicon.gif, siteicon.jpg, or siteicon.png to the Input (-i) folder.

Page Set-Specific Icons

You may want a different site icon on some pages. If so, you can specify a different graphic file for one or more Page Sets.

To specify an icon for a particular Page Set, add a file with the Page Set number as a suffix of the filename. For example, to use one icon for the main page, and a different icon for all other pages, you add these files to the Input folder:

  • siteicon1.gif (for the main page)
  • siteicon.gif (for all other pages)

The Main Page Page Set number is 1; the numbers for all Page Sets are shown in the List of Page Sets. Page Set numbers are in the same sequence as the Page Set sub-sections are listed in the Layouts section.

Style Options

The site icon is included in the page header. By default, it appears to the left of the site title, and the top of the site icon is aligned with the top of the site title text. The exact position may vary by Theme.

You can alter how the site icon appears using properties in the Stylesheets.System.Pages.Site Icon section.

For example, if you have a tall icon, you may want to center the site title text vertically with respect to the icon. Here's how to do that.

  1. Change Stylesheets.System.Pages.Site Icon.float to "none"
  2. Set Stylesheets.System.Pages.Site Icon.other to "vertical-align: middle;"

After making those changes, press [F2] or select File > Make Styles. Open the site in your browser and you will see that the site title text has been repositioned as described above.

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